Organizing Your Brainstorm Session into a Presentation
Presenting Your Ideas as a TEAM
(Using Info Design Concepts)
When there are different departments brainstorming together (business, analysis, tech and design), it’s easier to organize the group’s thoughts with a presentation template. Using information design concepts, the following template is outlined into three main categories that all departments consider as a team: Stages, Actions and Time and Work. This template presents a structured overview for presenting your ideas to a new audience, while providing a starting framework to begin a project.
STAGES: Presentations have a Beginning, Middle and End
Beginning – General overview of topic / subject
Middle – Explains the challenges
End – Describes the solutions
ACTIONS: Presentations should be Simple, Short and Steady
Simple – Keep concepts easily understood by all departments (business, analysis, tech, design)
Short – Keep concepts top level (it’s general; not a biz plan, whitepaper, tech spec or wireframe… its a sketch)
Steady – Use consistent repetitive categories; provides rhythm and cohesion (stages’ actions, processes, results)
TIME & WORK: Broad, Specific and Detailed Presentations
Broad – A newly formed idea in need of a quick presentation; a collage layout is good for Phase I (3 pages)
Specific – Have a little more time to clarify; define the idea with work partners during Phase II. (6 pages)
Detailed – Work independently, with work partners and team meetings for refined results in Phase III. (12 pages)
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NOTE: When reading the categories for each team member on the vertical, the language is familiar to that particular role (i.e. SWOT analysis terms for Business). When reading the categories on the horizontal, they may correspond to different perspectives but they are representing similar modes in the work process.